Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Getting Back on Track

This post really doesn't have all that much to do with librarianship, but as this is a personal blog, I thought that this would be a good time to blog about other things.

My summer has been incredibly busy. I haven't had a weekend at home, alone in my apartment, since school ended at the beginning of May. It's not like I've been traveling the entire summer or been on the go every day, but something has come up that has required me to go home even on the weekends when I haven't really had anything specific to do. I've been to two weddings, one of which I was a bridesmaid in, and to five wedding-related parties, traveled to Arkansas, the beach, Chicago, and Athens, GA. And in between all of that somehow managed to find the time to spend Father's Day with my dad and grandfather, celebrate the Fourth of July with my parents, book a flight to England, work four days a week, and see a bunch of movies. Whew!

This has really been a crazy summer; probably the busiest I've ever had. Usually my summers are comprised of going to work and hanging out with friends, with the occasional trip somewhere, but not much else. This summer has just blown my mind with all the stuff going on. It's no wonder that I'm beginning to feel slightly run down. But I'm very excited because this weekend I actually don't have anything to do! I'm going to work on Friday which I don't usually do, but I need the money to pay that tuition bill that just came, and Saturday I'm going to the local farmers market to pick up some fresh fruits and veggies. Sunday I'm driving home to see the Harry Potter movie (for the third time!) with my dad, but none of this is cause for stress.

I've devoted the next two weeks to getting back on track. With ALA and a spontaneous trip to see my best friend, the last three weeks have been really hectic and I feel like life is spinning out of control. I'm focusing on eating better this week (no fast food or eating out!), getting back in the gym, spending time with a few local friends, and just generally relaxing. My new roommate will be moving in soon and I want to get some cleaning and organizing done, but without putting pressure on myself. I hope that these two weeks give me some much-needed downtime and help me to get refocused on life before school starts up again.

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